Podcasts, Digital Strategy
58p.digital is a digital production consultancy. We will help you with audio, podcasting, video, newsletters, subscriptions, web & all things digital.
Audio and Podcasting
We will help you with the overall strategy, production, distribution, marketing and monetization.
Digital Strategy
We will make sure your digital operation is up to speed with the latest trends and will teach your staff how to keep up.
Content Marketing
We will show you how to make better use of your content and help with distribution.
Best things are done inhouse
Let us teach your staff how to record, produce, edit, distribute, market and monetize your podcasts.
Distribution and marketing
Podcast SEO
360 €
Choose from a series of workshops on podcasting.

David Tvrdon
David has worked in digital media for over 10 years, helped kick start podcasting in Slovakia (yes, the whole country), and has over 5 years of experience in digital marketing. He specializes in digital strategy including subscription growth and retention, newsletters, and online distribution.
Stay in touch
58p. newsletter
Once a month we will send you the latest updates on all things digital including podcasting trends,
We will get back to you within 24 hours.
© 58p.digital s. r. o.
360 € / 90 minutes
Online or offline in person we will get together with your staff and teach them all we know.
Case studies
We will share with you case studies of industry leaders, and work out how you can learn from them.
Tools you can use
In each session, we will share with you the best tools we use every day.
Digital strategy for your content and business
For big and small newsrooms, content marketing departments or company blogs. We are here to help you to optimize your reach.
Publishing strategies
Text, audio, video, charts
Memberships and subscriptions
Developing a new podcast
We will help you come up with a podcast format tailored for you and your brand or company.
Podcast structure
How to communicate your topics
Audience research
Setting up a new podcast
How to choose the right podcast hosting platform and how to maintain your feed.
Podcast hosting platform
Best publishing times
Make your podcast even better
We will help you make better your existing podcast. The best promotion you can get is great content.
Analysis of your audience
Current podcasting trends
Tips for host and guests
How to set up your studio
We will prepare a tailored proposal with recommendations for the right kind of equipment that suits your needs.
Equipment advice
Mobile and static
Setup for online recordings
Recording and editing
We will teach you how to record, edit and produce your audio.
Recording best practices
Streamlining audio production
Software recommendations
Distribution and marketing
Once a podcast episode is published the work only starts. You have to get it to the right audiences.
Content repackaging
Social media sharing practices
Organic and paid marketing
Audio is not a first-class citizen on social networks and by turning your podcast into a video you can reach more listeners.
How to create an audiogram
Choosing the right clip
Social media strategies
The more you can understand your audience data the better you can shape your strategy.
Apple, Google, Spotify data
Industry data and trends
Inhouse research
© 58p.digital s. r. o.
Billing information
58p.digital s. r. o.
Púpavová 680/24
Bratislava - mestská časť Karlova Ves 84104
David Tvrdon
david@58p.digitalID (IČO)
53245571VAT (DIČ)
2121346799VAT ID (SK DIČ)
© 58p.digital s. r. o.